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Church Electoral Roll

Parish of Ditchling, Streat & Westmeston (Beacon Parish)


The Electoral Roll for the Parish has to be re-created every six years, with the next one due in 2025 and the existing Roll cancelled.


This should not be confused with the Register of local and parliamentary voters. The Church Electoral Roll is compiled to show the parishioners the membership of their local church, and in the longer term secure the future of the Parish.


In every other year, the roll of the parish must be revised annually before the APCM. Notice of the proposed revision will be given and displayed on or near the principal door of each of our churches in the parish, readily visible to members of the congregation.​


If you wish to be included on the new Roll, it will be necessary for you to complete the Application for Enrolment on the Church Electoral Roll. Copies are available at the rear of the three churches and an electronic version is available to print and fill in below.


Although you are asked for full personal details, to comply with Data Protection legislation this information will only be included in a list held by the church, and not for public display. Any list displayed in the churches will only include names.


Completed forms should be handed in at the earliest opportunity to the Electoral Roll Office, Church Wardens or Welcomers, However, if anybody does not meet the above date, please still complete a form and hand in, as names can continue to be added after the APCM.


Your past support for the Beacon Parish is much appreciated and it is hoped that you will continue to be a member of the congregation and listed on the Electoral Roll.


Paul Charman,

Electoral Roll Officer

Application for Enrollment on the Church Electoral Roll

©2025 by The Beacon Parish

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