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Parochial Church Council (PCC)

The Parochial Church Council (PCC) is the legal body, made up of the people who have legal responsibility for the Parish churches and other buildings, the churchyards and for the Parish's money. A PCC is established under a statute called the Parochial Church Councils (Powers) Measure 1956. This gives a PCC its legal powers and responsibilities. Note that the 'Parish' in this context is different to a village Parish (for example Ditchling Parish) whose council administrates various aspects of village life. The PCC's 'Parish' is a Church of England Parish and, in our case, is known as Ditchling, Streat and Westmeston - normally shortened to 'The Beacon Parish'. Its mission extends across all three villages and Churches.


Our PCC is also a charity, registered with the Charity Commission under registration number 1132488. As such, it is legally accountable for the stewardship of its funds and needs to keep and file formal accounts in a way which meets legal requirements. All those who serve on the PCC are therefore charity trustees, who have the same responsibilities as any other charity trustee; however, it is the PCC as a distinct legal 'person' which makes the decisions for the Parish.


One of the important tasks for any PCC is to work with the minister (in our case the Reverend David Wallis) on matters of general concern and importance to the Parish and to promote the whole mission of the Church in the Parish. The Minister acts as the Chair of the PCC. The PCC is there for God, for the Church and for the Parish itself. It serves the people who live in the local area and welcomes any who wish to participate in or enjoy the offering which the Church provides. The PCC should in particular stand for and speak up for the vulnerable and, with this in mind, places a special emphasis on the safeguarding, caring for all those at risk or in need of help and support.


The members of our PCC are as follows:


Reverend David Wallis (Chair)

Luke Biersteker

Lydia Biersteker

Margaret Bovill

Paul Charman

Virginia De La Pole

Heather Evans

Sherrian Guest

Tessa Haughton

Ian Henley

Keith Hine

Deborah Miarkowska

Mike Sewell


©2025 by The Beacon Parish

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